Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

This Week With Joe Klein

Joe demonstrates that yes, in fact, he is a tool.

First, rather than actually do know....research, he makes up some shit that sounds good.

Then, when called on it, he says "Well, yes, I was all wrong, but that doesn't change the fundamental accuracy of what I made up!"

Friday, April 20, 2007

We are ruled by a Serious Man

No, really!!

Get me Pootie-Poot on the hotline! Now!

The Ultimate Asshat


Although it makes you wonder how Commander Codpiece would have handled things.

This week with Joe Klein

The first in a continuing series entitled: This Week with Joe Klein.

With 'friends' like Joe, who needs enemies?

This week with The Serious MSM

From the AP comes this sophisticated analysis of the Democratic Primary campaign.

Update: The Daily Howler provides excellent analysis of MSM obsession with Democratic candidate's haircuts.